Channel: Jersey Shore
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Snooki: The New Season of Jersey Shore Is Full of LIES!


If you've been watching the current season of Jersey Shore Family Vacation, you may have noticed that something about the show is a bit ... off.

And we're not talking about the fact that Ronnie's baby mama makes the rest of the cast look downright sophisticated by comparison, or the mystery of how Mike is able to casually consume 4,500 calories at each meal.

Jersey Shore Cast Drinking

No, we're talking about the haphazard, slapdash way the show seems to be assembled this season,

Jersey Shore Family Vacation 2 -- as it's officially known -- was a rush job inspired by the success of its predecessor, and frankly -- it often shows.

Cast members come and go as they're forced to attend to career and family obligations that were lined up before this season was hastily greenlit.

Scenes often seem to go on forever as producers attempt to convince us they've got a season's worth of material despite the fact that we last checked in on our favorite guidos less than two months ago.

Snooki on Jersey Shore: Family Vacation

But perhaps the show's biggest flaw these days is the fact that individual storylines often seem to be fabricated from whole cloth.

Take the ongoing "feud" between Snooki and Jenni, for example.

On social media, viewers have expressed confusion, as the main point of contention between these two seems to be that Snooki invited Angelina to Vegas -- which makes little sense, as Jenni would be well aware that her friend did so out of professional obligation.

(Love her or hate her, Angelina is good for drama, a fact the show's producers are well aware of.)

Angelina Pivarnick on Jersey Shore

In a recent interview with Buzzfeed, Snooks basically confirmed what viewers have long suspected -- there is no Snooki vs. JWoww feud.

"The last episode, nothing made sense to us because we know exactly what happened," she said.

"Sometimes editing, they try and leave stuff out, so they make it seem like something was there that wasn't. We're not scripted at all. We just go in there and do our thing, but we never know how they're going to edit it."

Snooki added:

Snooki at 2018 VMAs

"We aren't scripted. But what does happen is the editing and how it comes off. That is not our control.

"I could be mad at Angelina but they can make it look like I'm mad at Jenni. I'm like, that's not even what's going on."

She went on to clarify that Jenni's decision to head home to her family had nothing to do with the drama on the show:

"I got upset for Jenni because she left for her son, because her son had a doctor appointment, but they made it seem like she left because she was mad that I invited Joey and Angelina,"

Snooki and JWoww in 2017

"So Jenni is not a bully, leave her alone," Snooki added.

"The editing really screws her up."

Obviously, this is far from the first time that MTV's editors have come under fire for manipulating footage.

But we hope at the end of the day, those airing their grievances understand that this is the nature of reality TV -- and for the most part, viewers are well aware of that.

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